My name is Lisa and I am a daughter of Christ. I am married to my best friend and true soul mate. Together we have two little boys. I graduated from college almost five years ago with a degree in education, and even though I wanted to teach at the time I feel like my true calling is being at home rearing my children and being a help meet to my husband.
It hasn't always been this joyful for me, even though I was raised in a loving happy home, I still took a few wrong turns along the way. It wasn't until just two years ago when I had my moment of clarity and found myself in Christ. Since then I have made it my mission to be the best wife and mother I can be. I have researched homemaking as well as its biblical standards to help me become a better wife. My goals for the future are to improve my spiritual relationship with Christ and to center my beliefs and values. I want to gain a better sense of self and find value in who I am as a wife and mother.