Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Terrific Tuesday

I have had my struggles lately keeping on task, I am working on finding a solution to help me stay motivated and busy during the day.  That being said I have a list of things to be done today, hopefully I can get them all done!  I have to finish my meal plans for the next two weeks tonight.  I'm looking for some more healthy and nutritious meal plans for my family so we can be a little more health conscious.  On the rest of my list for the day is:
~Wipe down appliances
~Clean top of fridge
~Clean microwave
~Sweep living room floor
~Wipe down couches
~Sweep laundry room floor
~Dinner - pork tenderloin, creamed potatoes, green beans, brown gravy

Daily Scripture:
    She selects wool and flax
         and works with eager hands.
                     Proverbs 31:13

Wow!  Looks like today's verse might help send me towards the solution I was looking for!

1 comment:

~JoAnn~ said...

Lisa~ I too have been struggling to find my motivation but it's been gone for about a year or so now:) Trying my best daily to get up and get going. I feel so much better when I get things accomplished. Prayer is something I have the hardest time trying to fit into my days. I am not a morning person so my days always seem to start late and I dont' like doing any Bible reading etc. in the morning because I dont' feel awake enough. Will keep you in my prayers (in the late afternoon) I hope you keep doing well on your daily chores. Blessings,Joann