Friday, August 3, 2012

Confessions of a Sinner

I'm not perfect, but then again what Christian is?
I have sinned just like everyone else on this Earth!  I am thankful that Jesus died on the cross for my sins!  I am blessed by Him and the Father, able to be forgiven for my sins!!  For the select few that might read this...these are a few things that I have to remind myself it is OKAY to mess up sometimes, as long as I come to Him in the most humble way possible and confess my sins!

I struggle with Christianity more than Vanity...sometimes my appearance to others is more important than my appearance to HIM!

My children don't have the mother they anger catapults me to place no woman should be and the verbal garbage that spews from my mouth can be horrific.

My husband is left picking up the pieces all to often...he is my strength, he is hard to love, and he is my weakness all in one. 

My home does not reflect the image I want people to other words it is more of a mess than a hand reaching out and welcoming people.

My feet are dirty...I have stepped on others to achieve what I thought I deserved and not what HE thought I deserved.

I have a jealous heart...I constantly compare myself to others, and think 'why not me?'

I hold myself less accountable than I do others...I am the 'teapot calling the kettle black' as they say in the south.

My arms are very short at times...I don't reach out to help others as much as I should.

My cardboard confession would do something like this...
"I am stubborn, strong-willed, and bitter"
"by the Grace of God I am FORGIVEN!"

God has called me aside to focus on myself, and how I need to be disciplined to be a better person.  No I don't feel like I'm in time out, I feel like I have been called to enjoy life more and He is sharing his wisdom with me to become more!

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