Saturday, August 4, 2012

My Approach to Homemaking

One can scour the Internet for days visiting blogs on homemaking!  I think in an essence we are all in search of the same thing, 'how does she do it?'  I'm guilty as charged, I love to see how others make the day go by, probably because I have this intense need to figure out a better way and maybe a little curiosity as to what someone elses world is like.  (Does that contradict itself?, oh well you get what I mean!)  I've taken the time to hone my homemaking skills, theoretically, but lacked in driving it into home every time!  I simply fall short, I try this for a while and then that, but nothing seems to stick!  Maybe it is a lack of desire or my impatient brain wanting everything done right away.  Then when things don't get done, I'm blowing my top and give up!  Maybe I just need more caffeine...hmmm, food for thought. 

Any who, my approach to homemaking is simple, TREAT IT LIKE A J-O-B!!  You know one of those things that sends out a paycheck from time to time.  Most of our husbands have one, so why shouldn't we?  My house is my job, my kids are my blessings!  You can't get that confused, once you think of your kids as a job all sorts of things could go wrong. 

Like any job one has a job title and responsibilities, right...
So what would a housewives job title be that isn't just plain don't always want to get one those comments all the time.  You know the, 'OH you stay HOME all Day!' comments.  I like to think of myself as a Domestic Engineer!  Has a nice ring to it huh? 

Lets see job title, check!  Now on to job responsibilities (insert chuckle here)!  The amount of personal jobs we have is enormous and probably surpasses the hours we have to get them all done in a day.  WRONG!  Lets be honest none of us are perfect!  We can't get it all done because we set our own expectations too high!  We seek to be like the Proverbs 31 woman, but HELLO she is just an example.  God knows we can't get this all done, literally.  So lets make things a little more simple, then add in the extras when we get the time.

Simple Jobs of the Domestic Engineer:
1. Don't burn down the house, key factor can't be a housewife if you burn down the house!
2. Provide food for household members, no extras just the person you are married to and the kids!
3. Wash underwear and towels daily, bad things happen when your husband runs out of clean undies and doesn't have a towel to dry off with :-)

See simple...everything else you get done in the day is a bonus!  I know what your thinking, 'OH LAWD her house is a mess!'  Well today it is but usually it is not!  I somehow manage to find the time to get a few other things done. 

My point is don't focus on what you can't get done, focus on what you can!! We are our own worse enemies and the only person who is going to get upset the most if nothing gets done is us! 

Now go be great domestic engineers!

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