Wednesday, May 15, 2013

WOW...It's Been A While!!

Hello to all!!  I had taken a 'break' from blogging because I thought what is the use?  I thought I didn't have readers, well apparently I DO!  So I might give this blogging thing a whirl...again.  So much has happened this year so here is a quick run down to get everyone caught up!

My son is almost done with kindergarten!!!!!  Having a son with autism is tough, I can't tell you how blessed I am to have a high functioning son who loves school now!  Yes, we did medicate, that is our choice and doesn't work for everyone.  It was through much prayer that we felt the need that his mental well being was more important!  Let's face it when your baby ask you if life would be easier without him, you know it is time!!  He is so happy now and really is a completely different kid!  I thank, no we all thank GOD everyday for the JOY he has brought our son!

My baby is still completely WILD...but I wouldn't have it any other way.  Except maybe I shouldn't call him my baby anymore since he will be 4 this year!!

I survived homeroom mom!!  I will create a post showing off all our projects! 

I'm still losing weight and struggling at it!  I have recently discovered Advocare!!  It is changing my weight loss goals into something achievable.  More on this to come too!!

Oh my the biggie!! I started my own business!!!!!  Southern Gal Paper Crafts went from being a dream to a reality!!  More on this to come as well! 

Some things to look forward to on my blog resurfacing.  Advocare and my journey in weight loss, homeroom mom projects, Southern Gal products and giveaways, house projects before and after, and most important my main purpose here.  Being the most awesome, modest, strong, young (shhh...I'm not 31, yet!) housewife I can be! 


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