Monday, January 23, 2012

For My Readers

Lately I haven't done much of anything.  I have been trying to figure out how to balance it all.  I think life in general is a balancing act sometimes, but this last month or so nothing has gone the way intended.  Over the last few weeks we have had several problems in our house.  A little broken knob turned into a full renovation in our bathroom.  We also have had several trips out of town for my son's doctor and to visit my parents for my dad's birthday.  All this piled on top of bringing up a new blog isn't the best of circumstances, but I'll muddle my way through.  I have been debating on what avenues to take with my blog and I really can't help but wonder what the best point of approach is.  My life as a housewife encompasses so many things, just like any other homemaker.  Some of the more important things my daily activities touch on is the basics of running any household.  Throw in an autistic four year old, a tantrums two year old, and a shift working husband and I'm sure you can imagine the chaos any day can bring.  I've prayed long and hard on how to merge my daily life with a blog that actually would interest others.  So for the most part I'm going to try and focus on recipes, Lord knows we could all use some ideas sometimes, cleaning and how to make it more efficient and fun, and basic household management.  From time to time, I'll throw in a few house and craft projects with my basic take on what it means to be a housewife and biblical womanhood.  I sincerely hope you all enjoy and follow me, rather I know you personally or not.

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