Tuesday, May 22, 2012

HE does provide!!

I don't like sharing my financial situations with people.  However, this situation was so powerful to me that I had to share.  As I have posted my children have been sick and one medication for my youngest son had to be ordered and wouldn't be available until today.  The medicine cost $25.00 and I know to most this wouldn't be a problem and for me normally it wouldn't be a problem.  This last couple of months has hit us hard and used our savings with my surgery and my husband's truck breaking down.  I prayed that the money would be provided to us for two days.  I worried about it yesterday to the point of tears!  Well my husband called just a little while ago and said you aren't going to believe this but for some reason $44.11 has been deposited into our savings account.  I seriously almost cried!!  So of course I darted off to the pharmacy before some kind of bank error came into play to buy the medicine for my baby!!  Just another reminder that God does provide and as long as you believe and trust in the Lord, HE will take care of HIS children!

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